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Creating new assertions


class  CppUT::Assertion
 Represents a failed assertion. More...
class  CppUT::TestStatus
 Represents the status of the current test. More...
class  CppUT::TestInfo
 Heart of the test system: hold current test status and the state of the current assertion. More...


#define CPPUT_BEGIN_ASSERTION_MACRO()   CppUT::Impl::AssertionTrigger::aborting += (const CppUT::Impl::FileLocationMarker *)__FILE__ + __LINE__ /
#define CPPUT_BEGIN_CHECKING_MACRO()   CppUT::Impl::AssertionTrigger::checking += (const CppUT::Impl::FileLocationMarker *)__FILE__ + __LINE__ /


enum  CppUT::AssertionType { CppUT::abortingAssertion = 1, CppUT::checkingAssertion }
 Indiciates if on failure the assertion it will abort the current test. More...

Define Documentation

#define CPPUT_BEGIN_ASSERTION_MACRO (  )     CppUT::Impl::AssertionTrigger::aborting += (const CppUT::Impl::FileLocationMarker *)__FILE__ + __LINE__ /

Starts an aborting assertion macro (throw an exception on assertion failure).

This macro provides the following properties for assertion:

  • condition is evaluated first to ease debugging of unit tests
  • assertion can take a variable number of parameters (typicaly an optional message).

Typically, as little code as possible is put in assertion macro code to ease debugging. Usually, an assertion macro just start a function call:


 CheckerResult checkIsEven( int x, const char *message = "" )
    CheckerResult result;
    if ( x % 2 != 0 )
       result.message_.add( message );
    return result;
 void someTest() 

In the example above, both a checking and asserting macro have been implemented. The code to check the assertion is factorized in a single function than can take a variable number of parameters and be easily debugged.

Implementation notes:

This is achieved using a trick based on operator evaluation order described below: Basicaly an assertion has the following form: AssertionTrigger::aborting += __FILE__ + __LINE__ / checkCondition( condition expression ); For simplicity, we will use the following compact form for reference : x += f + l / checkCond( condition ); checkCond must returns an CheckerResult which as overloaded operator /. operator = evaluate right to left operator + evaluate left to right operator / evaluate left to right and as priority over +. So 'condition expression' is evaluted first, then checkCond(condition) is evaluated. Then 'l / checkCond(condition)' is evaluated, followed by f + l/ checkCond(condition) which yield to an CheckerFileLocation. Finally, x += f + l / checkCond( condition ) is evaluated, basically calling AssertionTrigger overloaded operator += with the final CheckerFileLocation that contains details about the assertion, as well as file/line location.

See also:

#define CPPUT_BEGIN_CHECKING_MACRO (  )     CppUT::Impl::AssertionTrigger::checking += (const CppUT::Impl::FileLocationMarker *)__FILE__ + __LINE__ /

Starts a checking assertion macro (continue test execution even on failure).

See also:
CPPUT_BEGIN_ASSERTION_MACRO() for example and implementation notes.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Indiciates if on failure the assertion it will abort the current test.

abortingAssertion  The assertion will abort the test on failure.
checkingAssertion  The test will continue on assertion failure.

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