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Message Class Reference
[Creating custom assertions]

Message associated to an Exception. More...

#include <Message.h>

Inheritance diagram for Message:

AdditionalMessage List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Message ()
 Message (const Message &other)
 Message (const std::string &shortDescription)
 Message (const std::string &shortDescription, const std::string &detail1)
 Message (const std::string &shortDescription, const std::string &detail1, const std::string &detail2)
 Message (const std::string &shortDescription, const std::string &detail1, const std::string &detail2, const std::string &detail3)
Messageoperator= (const Message &other)
const std::string & shortDescription () const
 Returns the short description.
int detailCount () const
 Returns the number of detail string.
std::string detailAt (int index) const
 Returns the detail at the specified index.
std::string details () const
 Returns a string that represents a list of the detail strings.
void clearDetails ()
 Removes all detail strings.
void addDetail (const std::string &detail)
 Adds a single detail string.
void addDetail (const std::string &detail1, const std::string &detail2)
 Adds two detail strings.
void addDetail (const std::string &detail1, const std::string &detail2, const std::string &detail3)
 Adds three detail strings.
void addDetail (const Message &message)
 Adds the detail strings of the specified message.
void setShortDescription (const std::string &shortDescription)
 Sets the short description.
bool operator== (const Message &other) const
 Tests if a message is identical to another one.
bool operator!= (const Message &other) const
 Tests if a message is different from another one.

Private Types

typedef CppUnitDeque< std::string > Details

Private Attributes

std::string m_shortDescription
Details m_details

Detailed Description

Message associated to an Exception.

A message is composed of two items:

The short description is used to indicate how the detail strings should be interpreted. It usually indicates the failure types, such as "assertion failed", "forced failure", "unexpected exception caught", "equality assertion failed"... It should not contains new line character (

Detail strings are used to provide more information about the failure. It can contains the asserted expression, the expected and actual values in an equality assertion, some addional messages... Detail strings can contains new line characters (

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef CppUnitDeque<std::string> Message::Details [private]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CPPUNIT_NS_BEGIN Message::Message  ) 

Message::Message const Message other  ) 

Message::Message const std::string &  shortDescription  )  [explicit]

Message::Message const std::string &  shortDescription,
const std::string &  detail1

Message::Message const std::string &  shortDescription,
const std::string &  detail1,
const std::string &  detail2

Message::Message const std::string &  shortDescription,
const std::string &  detail1,
const std::string &  detail2,
const std::string &  detail3

Member Function Documentation

void Message::addDetail const Message message  ) 

Adds the detail strings of the specified message.

message All the detail strings of this message are added to this one.

void Message::addDetail const std::string &  detail1,
const std::string &  detail2,
const std::string &  detail3

Adds three detail strings.

detail1 Detail string to add.
detail2 Detail string to add.
detail3 Detail string to add.

void Message::addDetail const std::string &  detail1,
const std::string &  detail2

Adds two detail strings.

detail1 Detail string to add.
detail2 Detail string to add.

void Message::addDetail const std::string &  detail  ) 

Adds a single detail string.

detail Detail string to add.

void Message::clearDetails  ) 

Removes all detail strings.

std::string Message::detailAt int  index  )  const

Returns the detail at the specified index.

index Zero based index of the detail string to return.
Detail string at the specified index.
std::invalid_argument if index < 0 or index >= detailCount().

int Message::detailCount  )  const

Returns the number of detail string.

Number of detail string.

std::string Message::details  )  const

Returns a string that represents a list of the detail strings.


 Message message( "not equal", "Expected: 3", "Actual: 7" );
 std::string details = message.details();
 // details contains:
 // "- Expected: 3\n- Actual: 7\n"  

A string that is a concatenation of all the detail strings. Each detail string is prefixed with '- ' and suffixed with '
' before being concatenated to the other.

bool Message::operator!= const Message other  )  const

Tests if a message is different from another one.

other Message this message is compared to.
true if the two message are not identical, false otherwise.

Message & Message::operator= const Message other  ) 

Reimplemented in AdditionalMessage.

bool Message::operator== const Message other  )  const

Tests if a message is identical to another one.

other Message this message is compared to.
true if the two message are identical, false otherwise.

void Message::setShortDescription const std::string &  shortDescription  ) 

Sets the short description.

shortDescription New short description.

const std::string & Message::shortDescription  )  const

Returns the short description.

Short description.

Member Data Documentation

Details Message::m_details [private]

std::string Message::m_shortDescription [private]

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