AdditionalMessage | An additional Message for assertions |
Asserter | A set of functions to help writing assertion macros |
assertion_traits< T > | Traits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() |
assertion_traits< double > | Traits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL() |
AutoRegisterRegistry | (Implementation) Automatically adds a registry into another registry |
AutoRegisterSuite< TestCaseType > | (Implementation) Automatically register the test suite of the specified type |
BriefTestProgressListener | TestListener that prints the name of each test before running it |
CompilerOutputter | Outputs a TestResultCollector in a compiler compatible format |
ConcretTestFixtureFactory< TestFixtureType > | Concret TestFixture factory (Implementation) |
CppUnitTestPlugIn | Test plug-in interface |
DefaultProtector | Default protector that catch all exceptions (Implementation) |
DynamicLibraryManager | Manages dynamic libraries |
DynamicLibraryManagerException | Exception thrown by DynamicLibraryManager when a failure occurs |
Exception | Exceptions thrown by failed assertions |
ExceptionTestCaseDecorator< ExpectedException > | Expected exception test case decorator |
Functor | |
ITestRunnerDSPluginVtbl | |
Message | Message associated to an Exception |
MfcTestRunner | MFC test runner |
Orthodox< ClassUnderTest > | |
Outputter | Abstract outputter to print test result summary |
PlugInManager | Manges TestPlugIn |
PlugInManager::PlugInInfo | (INTERNAL) Information about a specific plug-in |
PlugInParameters | Test plug-ins parameters |
Protector | Protects one or more test case run |
ProtectorChain | Protector chain (Implementation). Implementation detail |
ProtectorChain::ProtectFunctor | |
ProtectorContext | Protector context (Implementation). Implementation detail |
ProtectorGuard | Scoped protector push to TestResult |
QtTestRunner | QT test runner |
RepeatedTest | Decorator that runs a test repeatedly |
SourceLine | Represents a source line location |
StringTools | Tool functions to manipulate string |
SynchronizedObject | Base class for synchronized object |
SynchronizedObject::ExclusiveZone | Locks a synchronization object in the current scope |
SynchronizedObject::SynchronizationObject | Abstract synchronization object (mutex) |
Test | Base class for all test objects |
TestCaller< Fixture > | Generate a test case from a fixture method |
TestCase | A single test object |
TestCaseDecorator | Decorator for Test cases |
TestCaseMethodFunctor | Functor to call test case method (Implementation) |
TestComposite | A Composite of Tests |
TestDecorator | Decorator for Tests |
TestFactory | Abstract Test factory |
TestFactoryRegistry | Registry for TestFactory |
TestFactoryRegistryList | (INTERNAL) List of all TestFactoryRegistry |
TestFailure | Record of a failed Test execution |
TestFixture | Wraps a test case with setUp and tearDown methods |
TestFixtureFactory | Abstract TestFixture factory (Implementation) |
TestLeaf | A single test object |
TestListener | Listener for test progress and result |
TestNamer | Names a test or a fixture suite |
TestPath | A List of Test representing a path to access a Test |
TestPlugInDefaultImpl | Default implementation of test plug-in interface |
TestPlugInInterface | Abstract TestPlugIn for DLL |
TestResult | Manages TestListener |
TestResultCollector | Collects test result |
TestRunner | Generic test runner |
TestRunner::WrappingSuite | (INTERNAL) Mutating test suite |
TestSetUp | Decorates a test by providing a specific setUp() and tearDown() |
TestSuccessListener | TestListener that checks if any test case failed |
TestSuite | A Composite of Tests |
TestSuiteBuilderContext< Fixture > | Type-sage context used when creating test suite in HelperMacros |
TestSuiteBuilderContextBase | Context used when creating test suite in HelperMacros |
TestSuiteFactory< TestCaseType > | TestFactory for TestFixture that implements a static suite() method |
TextOutputter | Prints a TestResultCollector to a text stream |
TextTestProgressListener | TestListener that show the status of each TestCase test result |
TextTestResult | Holds printable test result (DEPRECATED) |
TextTestRunner | A text mode test runner |
XmlDocument | A XML Document |
XmlElement | A XML Element |
XmlOutputter | Outputs a TestResultCollector in XML format |
XmlOutputterHook | Hook to customize Xml output |